In collaborazione con l'Università Azteca
Campus filiale ufficiale ed esclusivo in Svizzera

Informazioni per gli studenti

Università Azteca Lauree proprie

Trasferimento crediti | Certificazione Professionale | Maestro: Valutazione dell'apprendimento precedente | Convalida del titolo
Dottorato: (Output e risultati precedenti | Valutazione dell'apprendimento precedente | Pubblicazione | Tesi) | Informazioni per gli studenti

About University Own Degree Programmes – Grado Propio Degrees

University own degree programmes are a common feature among many university systems across Europe and Latin America and offered by thousands of universities. A university own degree programme is offered by the university sui-generis and does not require a particular programme accreditation – RVOE in Mexico. The programme is offered and the degree is awarded in accordance with Article 59 of the General Law of Education without RVOE. A grado propio degree may be recognised by a particular employer as a professional qualification and may be legally used as a higher degree in most countries of the world, if awarded by a recognised university. Universidad Azteca is a recognised private university (particular) incorporated by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) counting on various programme accreditations (RVOE) for graduate (Licenciado) and postgraduate (Master and Doctor) degree programmes in numerous study areas. Universidad Azteca is listed in the RVOE system of SEP, and as recognised university listed in the IAU database. However, a grado propio degree may not qualify for official credential evaluation, for execution of a regulated profession or for public service, for credit transfer to an official programme (this depends on the receiving institution of higher education), or for admission to postgraduate programmes (this depends on the receiving institution of higher education except for at Universidad Azteca and UCN). A grado propio degree will not be authenticated by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) or government legalised or apostilled in Mexico.

Besides national incorporation and recognition as university by SEP in Mexico and listing in the IAU database of recognised universities, Universidad Azteca is also internationally accredited as “Premier University” by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities ASIC, a UK government recognised Accreditation Body (ENQA and CHEA listed). Universidad Azteca European Programmes is a member of ECBE, the European Council on Business Education, an ENQA listed international business programmes accreditation agency. Additionally, Universidad Azteca counts with several international programmatic accreditations by non-governmental agencies for selected grado propio programmes and quality management system certifications for the university.

Our international grado propio programmes are designed for students anywhere in the world and can be passed online without any on-campus residencies. The asynchronous method of online instruction allows enrolment throughout the year and enables students to determine their own pace of studies. Courses and examinations can be taken anywhere and anytime. Final oral examinations or defence of thesis are conducted via online video conference between candidate and examination jury members.

Admission requirements for postgraduate programmes are a graduate degree, whereby, admission to a Master´s programme require the equivalent of a Bachelor´s degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) or a comparable qualification (e.g. EQF level 6); admission to a Doctor´s degree programme require the equivalent of a graduate or postgraduate degree (minimum 240 ECTS credits) or a comparable qualification (e.g. EQF level 7). The university will conduct an admission evaluation for every individual student. The university reserves the right to admit students based on qualification only. Admission to an advanced research doctorate by thesis only require a postgraduate degree (minimum 300 ECTS credits) or a comparable qualification (e.g. EQF level 7 or 8), allowing for the transfer of 60 ECTS credits earned in the postgraduate qualification programme to the period of instruction for the research doctoral programme, to be completed by the research phase and the dissertation only.

A grado propio Master or Doctor programme is suitable for academia and professionals unable to attend a regular on campus degree programme, aiming at a university degree awarded legally by a recognised Mexican university, who do not require a programme accreditation (RVOE).

Grado propio degrees are designed for taught and research Master´s and Doctor´s programmes, for transfer and recognition of accumulated credits earned elsewhere, for recognition of professional qualifications, and the assessment and validation of prior learning, achievements or publications.

The university own programmes currently offered online in English study language by Universidad Azteca are listed in the columns on the right side.

Tuitions depend on the programme and the mode of provision. While most of the above mentioned programmes are available online, some may require the involvement of a given branch campus of the university abroad including blended learning sessions and particular programme features, thus, influencing the tuitions of the programme.

Tuitions include the complete programme cost and the award of the following documents at the end of the programme:

Degree award in Spanish language with notarisation (certification) – not apostilled

Degree award in English not apostilled

Diploma Supplement (transcript) in Spanish and English – not apostilled

Registered shipment to the student.

Extra charges apply to the additional services like:

Express shipment by courier service

Additional replacement of credentials and transcripts

Additional certification services

Official transcript services

The application process is conducted in the following sequences:

1) Prospective student asks for application form for a given programme of study.

2) Prospective student fills out the application form in MS Word format and remits the scan of the application form with handwritten signature by email, including the following attachments (we accept only PDF for scans, and JPG for the photo):

  1. Application form signed as scan (PDF, black/white)
  2. Scans (PDF, b/w, legible!) of all relevant higher education credentials and qualifications (degrees, diplomas, certificates, with all transcripts). If those original credentials are not in English, Spanish or German, pls, provide an English translation.
  3. Curriculum vitae, highlighting the academic and professional background. (doc or PDF)
  4. Scan of the passport (or ID card) page with personal data and photo. (PDF in colour)
  5. Passport style facial photo of applicant (colour, JPG)

NOTICE: Only complete applications will be considered for evaluation.

3) The University conducts an evaluation report and reserves the right to charge the applicant for this service.

4) The University issues the evaluation report and in case of possible admission issues an invoice to the student for the tuitions and fees of the given programme.

5) Student accepts evaluation report and pays the full tuition and fees in order to enrol.

6) Payment of tuitions activates the enrolment of the given student. Once a student is enrolled and discontinues a programme, no tuition payment is refunded.

Taught Master´s degrees:

Study language: ENGLISH

Master in Economia Aziendale (MBA)

  • Executive: 60 ECTS (1 study year)
  • Regular: 120 ECTS (2 study years)

Master of Science in Management (MSc)

Master of Science in Psychology (MSc)

Master of Education Science (MEd)

Research Master´s degrees:

The research Master´s degree (MSc, MA) requires students to transfer credits from already taken coursework at the Master´s level and complete the research Master programme by thesis only in the extent of 60 ECTS credits. The available study areas cover:

  • Amministrazione aziendale
  • Pubblica amministrazione
  • Economia
  • Legge
  • Relazioni internazionali
  • Scienze sociali
  • Psicologia
  • Formazione scolastica
  • Scienze della salute
  • Scienze Ambientali
  • Administrative IT and Computing Science

Validation Master´s degrees are available in the study areas of Advanced Studies, Professional Studies, Individual Studies. Validation Master degrees are completely based on the recognition and validation of transfer and recognition of accumulated credits earned elsewhere, on recognition of professional qualifications, and the assessment and validation of prior learning, achievements, output or publications. The degree requires a final evaluation and examination of the individual applicant by Universidad Azteca.

Tuitions and fees (non-refundable) for the Universidad Azteca grado propio online programmes provided in English are invoiced in EURO and due in full with enrolment.

Doctoral degrees:

Study language: ENGLISH

Validation degrees:

Validation Doctor´s degrees are available in the study areas of Advanced Studies, Professional Studies, Individual Studies. Validation Master degrees are completely based on the recognition and validation of transfer and recognition of accumulated credits earned elsewhere, on recognition of professional qualifications, and the assessment and validation of prior learning, achievements, output or publications. The degree requires a final evaluation and examination of the individual applicant by Universidad Azteca. A validation doctorate may include a thesis element (thesis examination) or a final examination (rigorosum examination).

Taught doctorates:

Dottore in Economia Aziendale

  • Executive: 120 ECTS (2 study years)
  • Regular: 180 ECTS (3 study years)

Research doctorates:

Il dottorato di ricerca prevede che gli studenti trasferiscano crediti nella misura di 60 crediti ECTS da corsi già seguiti a livello di Master o dottorato e completi il ​​dottorato di ricerca solo con la tesi. Le aree di studio disponibili riguardano:

  • Amministrazione aziendale
  • Economia
  • Legge internazionale
  • Scienze sociali
  • Psicologia
  • Formazione scolastica
  • Scienze della salute
  • Scienze Ambientali

Master e Dottorati combinati:

Agli studenti che completano entrambi i programmi congiuntamente vengono offerti programmi combinati di Master e Doctor, per cui il Master è il diploma intermedio e il dottorato il diploma terminale rilasciato.

Come programmi di insegnamento, sono disponibili online in Business Administration (MBA + DBA), come programmi di ricerca, sono disponibili in tutte le aree di studio sopra elencate.


TESI: Due copie cartacee di una tesi devono essere spedite al seguente indirizzo postale:

Ufficio del cancelliere
Calle Palma n. 61 e Calle 3 de Mayo s/n,
Quartiere di San Antonio, Chalco
Edo. del Messico CP 56600
Tel/Fax: + 52 (55) 3092-2489,
+ 52 (55) 5986-3050

Scorri verso l'alto



I programmi basati sulla tesi sono disponibili in inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo e arabo. È importante essere consapevoli che il sito è stato sottoposto a traduzione elettronica principalmente dall'inglese, occasionalmente dal tedesco o dallo spagnolo all'inglese e successivamente in altre lingue. Di conseguenza, è fondamentale riconoscere che il contenuto non inglese potrebbe non essere preciso e che alcune informazioni potrebbero essere imprecise. La traduzione ha scopi promozionali e non è consigliabile fare totale affidamento su di essa.

Si prega di notare che la stesura della tesi è fattibile in una qualsiasi delle lingue sopra menzionate. Tuttavia, tutti i documenti e le comunicazioni ufficiali sono gestiti esclusivamente in inglese. Se la tua competenza in inglese non fosse sufficiente, puoi, a tua discrezione, cercare assistenza da una terza parte per facilitare la comunicazione con l'istituto.